Old Bridge Surgery hosts a wide range of services and clinics, both run internally and externally, at the practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
Old Bridge Surgery hosts a wide range of services and clinics, both run internally and externally, at the practice.
You can find out more by clicking on the links.
Our reception team are available from 08:30 to 18.00 Monday-Friday, with telephones on answerphone between 13:00 to 14:00 week days. You can reach them by calling 01503 266960 with appointments...
There are better facilities for examining and treating patients at the GP surgery, however, if you feel you do need a home visit, please try to inform us before 10:00am....
You want to do what is best for your children. You know about the importance of car seats, stair gates and ways to keep them safe. But did you know...
We’re proud to offer traditional NHS Healthcare “free at the point of delivery” to all registered NHS patients. However, there are a number of services that we offer that are...
Here you can find out how to order your repeat prescription as well as finding out the current NHS charges for prescriptions. If you are a newly registered patient please...
Here at the surgery, we are committed to referring patients who need urgent assessments. These could include assessment for a possible cancer or for review by a cardiologist or a...
Online services are available to support you with a range of activities from booking appointments, ordering repeat medication, accessing your online record and can also help you find information about...
You do not require a doctor’s sickness certificate for any illness lasting seven days or less. Your employer may however require you to complete a self-certification form (SC2) which is...
Helping you to have more control of your health and wellbeing by finding ways to help that suits YOU. Improve your mental and physical health, meet new people, learn a...
Our receptionists will be able to inform you of most normal results. If a test result is normal usually no further action is required. If a result is abnormal and needs...
We can offer you appointments with GPs, ANP’s (Advanced Nurse Practitioners), Practice Nurses, Paramedics, Health Care Assistants, Clinical Pharmacists and Social Prescribers. Our receptionists can help you to decide who would...
Old Bridge Surgery offers a wide range of clinics and services, both operated by our staff internally or through outside agencies, to ensure that our patients are provided with the best quality care....
Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 16th June, 2023